Monday, September 24, 2012

Want to have knowledge on primary school curriculum esp. math in Australia

Want to have knowledge on primary school curriculum esp. math in Australia?
As a parent I am interested in teaching methods regarding primary level math. What are the standards expected for a grade three student. Reading level, handwriting etc are all secondary questions I have. thanks extended: Is there a difference between the methods we studied and the methods that children follow at school. Will it confuse if we teach in traditional methods? What are the homework books I can use for a grade three child ? Where can I buy a handwriting practice book (Vic) for a child who is starting to link ( left hander). Please help.
Melbourne - 4 Answers
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You would be best to contact the department of education in whichever state you are interested in, as primary education is administered by stat governments. the Victorian education dept has a lot of info on theirs which may prove useful for you. have a look below
2 :
VELS - Victorian Essential Learning Standards - basically describes what a child is expected to achieve at each stage. Stage 3 is for grades 3-4 so a child in Grade 3 should be doing the stage 2 tasks confidently and beginning to learn the stage 3 tasks. In terms of curriculum, the school can cover the stages of VELS in any way they choose. Some schools use traditional methods; others might follow the IB PYP. Handwriting is similar - there is a Victorian script but some schools do not follow it. You could talk to the school you are interested in and ask about this.
3 :
for the victoriam standards you can o to the following websites: this is the current standards, but you can get a clearer idea from the CSF2 framework fhis gives you progression points also I use these two sites a lot as i am currently studying to be a teacher
4 :
P.S. we don't call it math in australia - it is maths.
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Incidences of anorexia and/or bulimia in Italy and Australia

Incidences of anorexia and/or bulimia in Italy and Australia?
I was after statistics on the incidences of anorexia/bulimia in Italy and Australia for a school assignment. I was able to find a few for Australia but I really could not find anything for Italy. Any help (plus sources!) would be much appreciated! Thanks :)
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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Hi, this is what I found (my translations, sorry if it is unclear): "Every year, 3.500 italians become anorexic, and circa 6.000 become bulimic, according to the latest data reported by the Minister of Health" "the people who get sick* are mostly between the age of 12 and 25. In the latest years, the incidence of anorexia is stable: 4 to 8 new cases every 100.000 inhabitants per year. The incidence of bulimia nervosa is, however, increasing; 9 to 12 out of 100.000 people become bulimic every year." (in Italian) The data was recorded by Eurispes, a private institute of statistics, in 2008. I found some other data (here , it's a no-profit association that tries to help people who suffer from alimentation disorder), but it's a bit out-dated. If you are interested and need a translation, though, I'd be happy to help.
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

when does schools in australia starts

when does schools in australia starts?

Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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It depends what state you are studying in and whether you attend a public or private school. In my QLD public school starts on the 25th of January, but we have a few days off so we start on the 28th.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Are high schools in Melbourne, Australia decent

Are high schools in Melbourne, Australia decent?
I might be moving out of the country to go to an Australian high school...and where I currently live...all the schools suck. Im not saying that I hate the school, Im saying that I hate the kids who go there, since most of them are bullies & jerks. But I think its because I live in a dangerous neoghborhood...but I just need to finish up 8th grade then Im free to go there. Any good answers? Thank you. :)
Melbourne - 3 Answers
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I have family in Adelade south Australia, i have been out their as well. and i found all the people to be nice, you do get the bad as well as the good but my niece's and nephew,s go to high schools, and thy have some nice friends as well so don't worry i think you will enjoy Australia.
2 :
High schools in Melbourne are very good. Some areas are better for education, but in general, if you get in with a good group of people, then you'll be fine :)
3 :
Yeah, from my experiences, I would say on the whole, Melbourne high schools are decent, having completed my high school diploma in Victoria. If your criteria of "decent" is the academic levels of Melbourne high schools, then I suggest you look at the "Top VCE Melbourne high schools" by "Entrance rank".
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