I am interested in a city with nice beaches( or close to nice beaches) and i am also looking for an affordable city but a charming city as well. i am only interested in staying a maximum of three years. how should i go about being able to stay this long in the country. is there some kind of temporary citizen ship i could apply for? and would it be more beneficial to take a few years of college before im move to the country?? ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED !! Because im so done with the US THANKS
Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
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1 :
ok, first of all, i find Jack's answer really mean... and second, OMG...come to Melbourne, its like the perfect city for ya, after wat u sed up there...and i think u can just come and stay here in Australia since to ur a US citizen, im not so sure, so hers an immigration of australian Gov, have a look, i find it real helpful b4, so good luck... http://www.immi.gov.au/ PS: Melbourne is DA BEST...lol
2 :
Come to Melbourne!!! It's pretty much the best place ever... Close to beaches, awesome cafe culture, lots of festivals, good bars, everything! You could try get a student visa and study over here (or do an exchange from the US to see if you like it)
3 :
Adelaide, Melbourne or Sydney. Sydney, our biggest city, expensive place to live, best shopping or whatever you want Melbourne, second biggest, lots of things to do, not as expensive, good crime rates. Adelaide, 5th biggest city, great crime rates, great traffic, way cheaper than the other state capitals to live in, Staying for 3 years, I'd recommend a Students Visa. There is no such thing as Temporary Citizen anywhere. There is temporary residence. You should apply for a students visa and enrol in an Australian University, or organise a transfer.
4 :
If you want to study in Australia you'll have to get a student visa, but if you want to work there, you'll have to get a work visa. You have to meet certain requirements in order to get a work visa so I'd recommend checking the Australian immigration services website. As somebody said, you can't become a 'temporary' citizen in a country. You'll have to get a visa of some kind and then have to get it renewed every year. I believe you have to be vouched for by your employer or school to get it renewed in Australia but that could just be for teachers, so I'd do my research before you pack up. It's a big decision and moving to a country is not as simple as going for a short vacation. I should know - I just moved to China from Canada to teach for two years. There's a LOT of paperwork involved but so worth it!
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